Nexudus Stories
Keep up to date about the coworking movement
Why did we choose to provide white-label software?
One of the main advantages for _coworking spaces_ that have Nexudus Spaces is that it's a **white-label software**. This means that settings for each part of the space's website and the messages automatically sent from the platform can be changed in line with each coworking space's visual identity and communication.
Growth hacking and coworking spaces
The term **"growth hacker"** was first used in 2010 by [Sean Ellis]( "") to describe a professional whose main objective is to make a given product or service grow. Andrew Chen popularised the term in his article [Growth Hacker is the new VP Marketing]( ""), where he explains the case of Airbnb. For Chen, a growth hacker is a hybrid of a marketing professional and a programmer. In 2013, Sean Ellis created the [GrowthHackers]( "") community where members share knowledge, techniques and experience.
How does your space celebrate special occasions?
Events held by **coworking spaces** come in all shapes and sizes: they can be formal or relaxed, planned or spontaneous, and there are usually plenty of coworkers thrown into the mix. Sometimes spaces host events for celebrations like Halloween or Valentine's Day; other get-togethers are arranged for special occasions in the space (birthdays, coworker welcome or leaving parties, opening ceremonies, etc.).
Nexudus Spaces 2015 wishlist
**Hi Nexuders!** We’ve started the new year full of energy! We'd like to share just how happy we are and give you a rundown of the things that happened at Nexudus Spaces in 2014. At **Nexudus Spaces**, we are extremely grateful to you, our amazing community of Nexuders, and your continued support. We love hearing from you and found all the feedback we received last year really useful. Without it, we wouldn't have been able to develop many of the great new features we released in 2014. We’d like to sum up some of our achievements and give you the chance to take a sneaky peek at some of the exciting new developments we have in store for this 2015.
Nexudus Passport Network
We are thrilled to announce that [Nexudus Passport Network]( "Nexudus Passport Network") is now available to all locations using Nexudus Spaces. The Nexudus Passport Network spans across all continents and has now more than 700 workspaces and more than 10.000 members. During the last year, we have been running in beta with a selection of locations, collecting feedback and tweaking things. But of course this is not over, we need you all now to provide even more feedback and help us make the Network better in every way.
Meet the new Space Dashboard!
_Have you ever wondered how to visualize the activity on your coworking space?_ For your members, it’s always interesting to have a glance at what’s happening in the space so they can, for example, attend upcoming events or know who is in the space at a certain moment. One way to do that is to use the space website part of your [Nexudus Spaces]( "") account where you can _upload events, post in the blog, use the space wall or the community board_ to keep a connection with the members of your community.
Hacking Impact Hub King's Cross
_Door panel, electric locker, card reader, battery, rj45, and wireless._ These are some of the items you need to integrate door access systems. On top of that, these types of systems may as well be used to empower the connections between the community members of your coworking space. When people move into a community as new member, meeting people can be challenging. We at [Nexudus]( "Néxudus Spaces") have been working for a while on **tools and software** to help members know each other, link social networks and publish skills and experiences.
So....was this coworking? My experience at Lanau!
An oldie but also a goodie, this article on [Deskmag]( "") explains how to make the most of your coworking space. Depending on your needs, there is a wide range of things you may have to consider when choosing the right coworking space for you.
Maximize booking time in your #coworking space
In each of your rooms, you can **install an iPad app** allowing members to see in real-time when that room is available. Reduce unoccupied rooms. If the room is available, members can make a booking directly from the device and start using the room right away.
6 signs that show how your coworking space is doing
This article was originally published in **Zona Coworking**, the main coworking magazine that is available in the Spanish language. You can read the original [here]( ""). In this article, we have the collaboration of [Jaime Aranda]( "") who is the cofounder of workINcompany, the first coworking space in Andalusia (Spain). Running more than four years of a coworking space, Aranda offers his insights on the signals that may show whether your coworking space is working well, or if you should reconsider some features of your coworking space.
“Folds and Unfolds” of Coworking Nº 1 – The Rose: How a cube can become a beautiful flower
Hello everyone, We will start a series of articles on the different sides of **coworking**. As you may have noticed at this point, coworking cannot be defined in a single way nor can a coworking space be built following three simple rules. We will try to use origami as a metaphor to talk discuss the different perspectives of coworking – aka, coworking **“Folds and Unfolds”**.
Coworking Spaces: Three Samples on How to Get Fun and Three Samples About Collaboration
Although it may be simple to spot the words **“collaboration”** or **“fun”** while reading articles on coworking across the internet, it may be a bit difficult to find examples on how people get fun and collaborate with each other in these spaces. The community is the main differentiator for coworking, which is why creating and nurturing the community is one of the main tasks of a space manager. Whether you are thinking about opening a new coworking space or you are struggling daily with these tasks, you can find great advice from coworking experts from the following resources: [Deskmag],( "Deskmag") [Coworking Wiki]( "Coworking Wiki"), [Alex Hillman's Blog]( "DangerouslyAwesome"), [Coworking Handbook]( "Coworking Handbook") or [New Worker Magazine.]( "New Worker Magazine") **“Collaboration”** and **“fun”** exists – I have experienced both many times at the Lanau Coworking Space in Madrid. In personal relationships, people need time to interact with each other in coworking spaces to make lasting relationships. The more time that is spent growing and building the community, the stronger the bonds between coworkers will become. Now, I will give some examples on how to get fun and collaborate in working spaces.