New API to make integration that much easier for Workspace Marketplaces

Attention all workspace marketplaces! 

Our mission at Nexudus is to enable our users to run their spaces as efficiently as possible, and a big part of that is giving them the opportunity to market their workspace to as wide an audience as possible. 

With there being such a wide variety of workspace marketplaces out there, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for these services to integrate with Nexudus, allowing our users to display available desks and bookings with live updates on availability and pricing. 

This article is not only to let our customers know that we have an ever increasing list of online workspace marketplaces for them to easily integrate with, but also to inform more marketplaces of how they can integrate with Nexudus. 

Who is the Nexudus Marketplaces API for?

Firstly, let’s go through exactly who this process has been designed for. Namely, this is for services aggregating workspaces and inventory data, be it meeting rooms, products, memberships, desks etc.

After you have registered your application or service as a marketplace, Nexudus customers will be able to view your service in their Nexudus Dashboard and choose to share their inventory data with you.  

There are two steps to consider in this new process we have set out:

  1. Marketplace registration and integration

  2. Customer Activation

Marketplace registration and integration

The first step in integrating your service with Nexudus is to register as a marketplace in Nexudus and publish it to allow Nexudus customers to enable the integration in their accounts. 

This process is very straightforward, and we have endeavoured to make it as easy as possible for marketplaces to integrate with Nexudus. For a detailed, step-by-step guide on how this process works, head over to our Developers Hub for an end-to-end guide

Customer Activation

When a Marketplace is published, all Nexudus customers will be able to see it in their dashboard. Simply navigate to Settings > Marketplaces. 

Customers are then able to browse all the different marketplaces integrated with Nexudus and learn about their service from the details provided by each integrated marketplace. This could be a general bio, Contact details etc. 

By clicking on a marketplace tile, customers then have the option to activate the integration in each of their locations and select the specific data that they want to share. 

Once the customer has enabled the marketplace application, the service will begin to access the selected inventory items the customer has selected and will receive notifications about changes in it. 

We already have a number of services integrating with Nexudus and look forward to seeing this list expand. For any questions feel free to contact us.

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