Nexudus Admin Panel V3: Get ready to upgrade

As we mentioned earlier in the year, we have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for a while now at Nexudus HQ in putting together Version 3 of the Nexudus Admin Panel. If you are a new customer, you will be well aware of Version 3 and all its capabilities as they are now standard for all the latest Nexudus community members. Some of our older customers will be aware of it too, as it has been available for trial for a little while now.

If you haven’t yet tried out Version 3 of the Admin panel, this article is going to take you through a lot of the new features, and display all the reasons you should be excited to upgrade. We know that change can be difficult though, which is why we wanted to assure you all that we haven’t reinvented the wheel here! It’s still very much the admin panel you know and love, but with loads more exciting new features and capabilities that will make using Nexudus that much easier and more effective for you and your workspace. 

1. Floor Plans

Improving floor plans and especially how they are displayed has been a massive goal of our when putting together this latest version of the Amin Panel. 

As was always the case, you can still access your floor plans by navigating to the Inventory section from the side panel. From here, you can see all your floor plans and associated items, while on the right-hand side of the page you will see all contracts, proposals, booking and items linked to each of your floor plans.  

One new addition you will notice is a Date field can now be found in the top left corner of the screen. This allows you to select any date, past, present or future, and check availability for that specific day. This is especially useful as it provides a highly visual way of establishing how your space is being used.

We have also made it much easier to take a closer look at associated items in your floor plans By clicking on any of the listed items in the items tab, they will immediately be highlighted in the floor plan view. You can also edit an item’s details by clicking on the clipboard items or delete it entirely by clicking on the bin icon.

2. Templates

Templates are another area we have put a lot of effort into improving. In the latest version of the Admin Panel, it’s much easier to generate custom documents that make use of the data in your Nexudus Account. 

There are 3 areas we feel that have been improved especially:

  1. Staff members - There is now just a single step that allows you to create admin and customer accounts. This will hopefully streamline the running of your space through the Admin Panel. 

  2. User roles - Version 3 also comes with presets of common roles so that there is no longer a need for you to create them from scratch. We have also made sure you have the ability to the preset role while also building on it and editing it to suit your needs. 

  3. Resources - Adding the prices of resources to document templates is much more straightforward in the New Admin Panel, based on hourly, half-day and full-day rates. Even more, resource types also being automatically sorted from the template form. 

3. Navigation between Records

Opening records has changed a fair bit as well. It now happens in a new, stackable side panel, which preserves the state of all your previous screens. This makes it a whole lot easier for you to flick between different listings after choosing a certain record, allowing you to pick up exactly where you left off. For example, let’s say you are working on a list of filtered customers, accessing the details of a specific customer won’t affect the state of that list, meaning when you navigate back you will be in the exact same position as you were when you clicked on that customer.

As well as this, every listing now has up to three search elements available to you:

1. A basic search bar using a default search field is displayed within that bar.

2. When available, a “Segments” menu can be used to filter a list based on common or business-related needs. For example, when looking at the visitors list, you can quickly select the visitors “Expected today” or “Onsite”.

3. A “Filters” menu includes all the fields each list can be searched by. This menu uses different input types based on the type of data associated with the selected search field. For instance, choosing a date field will allow you to select a date range to search by. 

Even better, for those of you running multiple locations, you are now able to search by several locations at the same time.

4. Mobile Compatibility

This is one of the things we mentioned in our short update about the new Admin Panel earlier this year. We understand that many of you want the Admin Panel to work more effectively on mobile devices, and we have done our best to improve this. 

The vast majority of pages in the latest version of the Admin Panel display vastly better than the previous versions on mobiles and tablets. For example, the listings pages have a responsive mode that changes rows into cards which aims to make better use of the available width of the screen. 

It’s one of those small quality of life changes that can make a real difference to your experience using the Nexudus Admin Panel. 

We hope you are excited to upgrade to the latest version of the Admin Panel, and we can’t wait to hear what you think of it. Keep an eye out for a new series of short instructional videos, helping you navigate and use some of the new features. Likewise, head over to our Knowledge Base to read detailed step-by-step instructions on the whole thing! 

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