Coming Soon: Nexudus Insights

The world moves quickly, now more than ever, and with so much changing it can be difficult to keep track of it all. Ensuring you have your finger on the pulse when it comes to the latest developments in the coworking and flex workspace industry is vital to running a successful workspace. With this in mind, it is key to have the relevant insights that are affecting trends in the industry to be able to make the right decisions on a day to day basis.

That’s why we are bringing to the industry Nexudus Insights: a way to look at industry trends in detail, providing value to operators and landlords. We’ve worked hard in the last few months to develop the most comprehensive study of the coworking and flex workspace industry so far. The result of this process will come up very soon as a white paper document: "The past is fixed, the present is moving, the future is Flex! A deep look at Coworking and Flexible Workspaces' history and trends.”

Why now?

Nexudus has been working closely with coworking and flex workspaces for nearly 10 years. Over this time we have gained unparalleled insights and an enormous amount of data, giving us an incredible understanding of where the coworking and flex space sector has been and where it looks to be moving to in the future. We are in the best position to bring that together, creating value for our customers as well as the coworking and flex industry in general.

Since we started operating, our goal has always been to support the growth of the industry at large by helping to streamline operations and make the complex task of managing workspaces that much easier. As the sector has developed over the years, running a coworking or flex workspace has only become a more complex task, and Nexudus has developed its workspace management software to meet and adapt to this complexity. 

We feel that these insights will provide you with information to help you adapt and prepare for any future developments that may arise. The industry has changed quite a bit in the last few years, especially with the global pandemic, and making data-driven decisions has become more and more important.

What can you expect from Nexudus Insights?

This white paper will be released in a week and will analyse how the workspace industry has evolved over the last six years. We will give a particular insight into how the pandemic has affected the flex space industry. 

We found out that, since May 2021, the average number of members of a flex workspace exceeds any pre-pandemic number. Thus, proving that what many thought could be the death knell for the coworking and flex space industry has instead provided significant opportunities for expansion and development of workspaces worldwide.

There is no doubt the pandemic posed significant challenges for operators, however, flex spaces have adapted to the market and to the new needs of users - today the average duration of meetings has increased a 6% compared to the pre-pandemic scenario.

As you can imagine, with a relatively young and rapidly expanding industry, there has been significant development, which makes for a particularly interesting area of study. 

How can you access Nexudus Insights?

This white paper will be completely free for you to download. All you will need to do to download the report is provide your email address, and then it is yours to keep. 

We have been working hard on this report behind the scenes for a while now, and have researched it meticulously to ensure it provides you with deep and meaningful insights that can be actioned to improve the operations of your workspace.  

Keep your eyes peeled for communications from us about the publication of this first report, we can't wait for you to see it.

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