Your NexDelivery has arrived!

Nexudus is always striving to make your life easier by adding new features and tools to our coworking space software, to keep up with coworking needs. Our latest addition is NexDelivery, a companion mobile app for Nexudus administrators. We launched this exciting app recently and it is now available on iOS. NexDelivery allows you to scan and process postal delivery labels in order to inform members about their mail.

Every day there can be hundreds of deliveries for your different members, but how do you notify and then remind them about these, incase they forget to pick it up? What about keeping track of when they picked up the delivery? Well...there’s an app for that!

You’ve got mail! What happens now?

NexDelivery allows you to scan the delivery labels, then uploads the scanned label to your Nexudus back-end, and then creates a delivery entry for you. This delivery will have the image of the scanned label added to it which will enable us to optically recognise the text (OCR) on the label and try to match its content to your member and customer database. The app will automatically process and recognise names, and then automatically notify these people when they receive a delivery. However, as you can imagine, the name on the delivery may not always match any records in your database, but you can manually assign the delivery to the correct member!


Members and other customers can track their deliveries from My Account > Deliveries

NexDelivery is part of your Nexudus subscription and does not incur you or your customers any extra cost. Download this nifty app to make managing deliveries in your coworking space much easier! Waiting at home to receive parcels can be a waste of precious time, and so, being able to get deliveries sent to your shared workspace, whether business-related or personal, is very convenient. If you can be somewhere that members trust to collect these important items on their behalf, it is definitely a bonus!

For more detailed instructions on how to use our NexDelivery app, please check out our detailed guide.


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