Nexudus and HubSpot - Seamlessly synced, always.

We have some very exciting news about the integration we get asked about more than any other…

The HubSpot integration is finally here!!!

But what exactly does this mean for those of you who are both Nexudus and HubSpot users? What are the benefits and how can it empower you to improve the day to day management of your workspace?

Those are the questions we are going to answer here, and we are sure that by the end of this article, you will all be as excited as we are to connect your Nexudus account to HubSpot with this ground breaking integration. 

What is HubSpot?

For those of you that don’t already know, HubSpot is a CRM platform designed to help you scale up your business and provide top level customer service across the board.

The wide range of features they provide include everything you need to market your business to potential customers, keep a closer eye on your entire sales pipeline, as well as tools such as content management systems and everything you need to keep track of operations. 

The beauty of this integration is how aligned the aims of both Nexudus and HubSpot are. Both provide users with the tools they need to scale up and simplify daily operations to ensure your business runs smoothly and can be as successful as possible. 

What does this integration do?

So, now we are all clear on what exactly HubSpot is, let’s get down to brass tax and go through exactly what this integration does! 

To put it as simply as possible, this is a two-way integration that allows you to sync your data both ways between Nexudus and HubSpot. There is no longer any need for you to undertake the time-consuming process of manually unifying data from multiple platforms. 

This integration between Nexudus and HubSpot, means all your data will be seamlessly synchronized - allowing you to spend more time on the aspects of your business that really matter. 

Another exciting aspect of the integration is the control it gives you over your data. You are able to customise the integration to ensure it truly works for you, by selecting as many or as few properties that you need. With this integration you are in full control!

How do you enable this integration?

We are very proud of how simple it is to get started with this integration. It’s always very important to us that we make the process of integrating with other software providers simple and pain-free - the idea of these integrations is about making your lives easier after all!

All you need to get started is a HubSpot account. It really is as simple as connecting both your Nexudus and HubSpot accounts, defining which records you want to be synchronized, and mapping out the fields and properties you want to connect. 

For a more detailed description, and a step by step walkthrough of how to enable this integration, head over to our Knowledge Base to read our dedicated article

We can't wait for you all to start using this integration, it has been in the works for a long time, and to finally let you all know about it is tremendously exciting. 

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, HubSpot has been the integration that is requested by Nexudus users more than any other, which is why we are so happy to be able to bring it to you all. 

Keep an eye on our social media platforms for news about upcoming developments and new integrations that are on the horizon. 

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